International Seminar
Social Determinants of Health: The MDGs and Beyond
Bali, 29th & 30th of August 2013
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) has been being the national and international focus since year 2000 to 2015. The achievement of MDGs is important since it implies the fulfillment of basic human needs that frees human beings from poverty and enables access to education, health, safe water and healthy environment.
Accelerations in many development aspects by addressing the social determinants of health has been conducted to achieve health-related MDGs in 2015. However, the achievement of MDGs by some countries facing the weak governance, conflicts and epidemiological and demographical transitions is still off track. In these remaining two years, MDGs are less likely to be achieved by millions of people who are suffered from poverty, illness, and lack of education.
That condition has induced national and international thinking of what efforts should be undertaken to optimize the achievement of MDGs and what will be done after the end of MDGs in 2015. In depth analysis of a wide range of experiences to address social determinants of health and to achieve MDGs in various settings would be important lesson learnt to tell us what works and where the focus should be put on. The feature of current implementation of MDGs can be used to design a sustainable future development framework.
The achievement and sustainability of MDGs require collaborated efforts of public and private sectors and also a strong community participation. Therefore, Udayana University aspires to conduct an International Seminar to provide valuable opportunity for all international & national development actors to share, to discuss and to learn from each other's experiences.
- To provide an opportunity for international and national researcher and practitioners from public and private sectors to disseminate their findings regarding social determinants of health, efforts to achieve MDGs and also ideas of post MDGs strategies.
- To develop innovative methods to address unachieved MDGs in order to improve community health status.
- To develop recommendations for government and related stakeholders based on the up to date research findings in order to support the development of evidence based policy and interventions with regards to social determinants of health and post MDGs 2015.
- Prof. Paul Ward (Faculty of Medicine, Flinders University):
The Post MDGs 2015 – The Role of Social Determinants of Health
- Prof. dr. Adang Bachtiar, MPH, DSc (The Head of Indonesian Public Health Professional Association) :
Good Governance in Health Development*
- Prof. dr. Hasbullah Thabrany, MPH, Dr.PH (The University of Indonesia):
Health Inequity Post MDGs*
- dr. Dave Jenkins (SurfAid International):
The Role of Community Participation for Better Health*
* to be confirmed
Venue & Time
The event will be held on Thursday and Friday, 29th-30th of August 2013 at Theater Widya Sabha Usada, 4th floor, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Jln. P.B. Sudirman, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia.
More information
Thursday, 29th of August 2013
08.00 am – 09.00 am
Registration + Morning Tea
09.00 am - 09.45 am
Opening Ceremony
09.45 am - 10.30 am
Keynote speech (Indonesian Minister of Health) ![](/images/2012/reportase.png)
10.30 am – 11.30 am
Speakers’ presentation
- Prof. dr. Adang Bachtiar, MPH, DSc)
- Prof. Paul Ward
11.30 am – 12.30 pm
Discussion session
12.30 pm - 02.00 pm
02.00 pm - 03.30 pm
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Education, gender, population ageing, health promotion & community involvement
Multi morbidity among Aging in Jakarta: a challenge of health services and education - Charles Surjadi
Diabetes in Youtube: prevention or treatment - Nuzulul Kusuma Putri
Determinant factors of infant mortality Bima regency in 2012 - Rini Hendari
Involving Female Sex Workers as Peer Educators for Increasing the Use of Female Condom: What are the Challenges? - Komang Ayu Kartika Sari
Health economics/financing, politics & good governance
Personal health practice & health services
03.30 pm - 04.00 pm
Coffee Break
04.00 pm - 04.30 pm
Friday, 30th of August 2013
08.00 am - 09.00 am
Registration + Morning Tea
09.00 am - 10.30 am
Speakers’ presentation
- Prof. Paul Ward
- Tara Singh Bam, PhD, MPH
- Mahlil Ruby
10.30 am – 11.30 am
Discussion session
11.30 am - 01.30 pm
01.30 pm - 03.00 pm
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Education, gender, population ageing, health promotion & community involvement
Poverty, Lack of Education and their Impact to quality of life and family function among wife with and without occupation -Anika Candrasari
Relationship between house and malaria in sumba tengah District - Chandra Umbu Reku landuwulang
Analysis between unwillingness of having children at fertile couples and application of modern contraceptives in Indonesia: SDKI Analysis 2007 - Desy Linasari
Maternal Perception and factors influencing breast Feeding among working and non-working mothers in Tabanan Region, 2011 - Seputri Widhiyani
Risk factors of maternal mortality due to complications in pregnancy, labor and postpartum in Bima regency 2011 - 2012 - Sri Juharni
Health economics/financing, politics & good governance
The Implementation of Kader Desa Peduli AIDS Program in Bali: Ni Made Sri Nopiani
The Economics of Globalisation Dono Widiatmoko
Low Intervention Coverage of Malnourished < 5 Children in Bali Dewa Nyoman Wirawan
Personal health practice & health services
Factors Affecting the activeness of kader Posyandu - Firyal Yasmin
Integration of couple HIV counselling and testing into mother and child health program at community health centres in Bali: What are the rationales? - Nyoman Sutarsa
Inappropriate immunization practice in diphteria outbreak areas of Semarang: A qualitative study - Praba Ginandjar
Low ARV Adherence among FSWs: Barrier to the Implementation of Treatment as Prevention (TasP) Program in Bali - Putu Cintya Dewi
Roles, Barriesr and challenges of midwives in antenatal care service in referring pregnant women for HIV case-findings in Seririt sub-district, Buleleng regency 2011 - Putu Theni Aryasih
Sexual networks in men who have sex with men in relation to HIV transmission in Bali - Surya Anaya
03.00 pm – 03.30 pm
Coffee Break
03.30 pm – 04.00 pm
Closing Ceremony
Saturday, 31th of August 2013 (Optional)
09.00 am– 05.00 pm
City Tour
Route 1 : Puskesmas Sukawati 1, Ubud, Gua Gajah, Gunung Kawi, Tirta Empul-Tampak Siring, Cekingan Tegallalang
Route 2 : Puskesmas Abiansemal, Sangeh, Simantri, Taman Ayun, Tanah Lot